ANTECNICA, is an academic spin-off founded in 2019 capable to offer strong expertise in designing radiating elements and front ends in manifold technologies.
The founders have long-term experience gained from the participation to several National, EU and ESA projects. Antecnica inherits the expertise developed at the University of Calabria in designing millimeter wave antenna for wireless and satellite communications.
The company is currently involved in ESA (European Space Agency) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 projects. Antecnica has recently won a Regional competition for the innovation grants dedicated to the most innovative SMEs and spin-offs(FESR-FSE 2014-2020). The accelerator project activity will be focused on the development of a K-Ka SatCom fixed beam user terminal.
Role in the FLEXCOM project
ANTECNICA will mainly focus to the development of the FLEXCOM prototype dedicated to High Altitude Platform (HAP) applications. This demonstrator will make use of discrete lenses which will be fully designed by ANTECNICA.