20 GHz LNA and 29 GHz PA on SiGe BiCMOS technology for SatCom phased array systems
NEWS! A new paper entitled "20 GHz LNA and 29 GHz PA on SiGe BiCMOS technology for SatCom phased array systems", written by our project partner SIAE Microelettronica, will be presented at the EuMW 2022. More info: https://www.eumweek.com/ #LearnaboutFLEXCOM #EuMW2022 #H2020 #EUfunded #eu#horizoneu
We are present at European Microwave week 2022
- WORKSHOP: “Technological needs for future SatCom connectivity”
- FLEXCOM project partners will present a paper and will organize a workshop entitled "Technological needs for future SatCom connectivity" at the European Microwave week (EuMW, 25st edition) that will take place in Milan (Italy) from the 25th to the 30th of September 2022.
- EuMW-2022 program: https://www.eumweek.com/conferences/ConferenceProgramme.html
- About EuMW 2022: European Microwave Week 2022 takes place in the vibrant city of Milan. Bringing industry and academia together, European Microwave Week 2022 is a SIX day event, including THREE cutting edge conferences, THREE Forums and ONE exciting trade and technology Exhibition featuring leading players from across the globe. EuMW 2022 provides access to the very latest products, research and initiatives in the microwave sector. It also offers you the opportunity for face-to-face interaction with those driving the future of microwave technology. Click for more info: https://www.eumweek.com/
- About the FLEXCOM project: “FLEXible phased array system for sat-COM applications” aims at building a new class of phased array technology for airborne, spaceborne, and Earth segment satellite communications with an unpreceded level of flexibility and reconfigurability. Precisely, FLEXCOM will deliver a highly integrated antenna tile conceived to be the building block through which several SatCom antenna types can be built. FLEXCOM tiles will be designed in order to be used in different scenarios and for different applications, responding to the needs of a continuously evolving SatCom market and enforcing a significant reduction of life-cycle costs.
SiGe BiCMOS building blocks for a K/Ka-band flexible phased array system for SatCom applications
A new paper entitled "SiGe BiCMOS building blocks for a K/Ka-band flexible phased array system for SatCom applications", written by our project partner SIAE Microelettronica will be presented at the MMS 2022.
More info: mms-conf.org #LearnaboutFLEXCOM #MMS2022
Preliminary Results on a Compact Duplexer Design for K/Ka-Band SatCom on the Move User Terminals
A new paper entitled "Preliminary Results on a Compact Duplexer Design for K/Ka-Band SatCom on the Move User Terminals", written by our project partner University of Calabria will be presented at the MMS 2022.
More info: mms-conf.org #LearnaboutFLEXCOM #MMS2022
We are present at Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2022
"Satellite communication emerging solutions and trends"
- FLEXCOM project partners will present some papers and will organize a workshop entitled "Satellite communication emerging solutions and trends" at the Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS, 21st edition) that will take place in Pizzo Calabro (Calabria Region, South of Italy) from the 9th to the 13th of May 2022.
MMS-2022 full program: https://easychair.org/smart-program/MMS2022/index.html
Workshop program: https://mms-conf.org/satellite-communication-emerging-solutions-and-trends-2/
- About MMS 2022: The conference will cover the entire scope of microwave engineering research, from RF/microwave circuits and systems to antennas and electromagnetic compatibility. Specific focus will be given to research papers focused on microwave industrial applications, including automotive, communication, and space areas. MMS2022 is cosponsored by the European Microwave Association (EuMA), the IEEE Italian Chapters on “Antennas and Propagation/Electronic Devices Microwave Theory and Techniques” (AP/ED/MTT) and on “Antennas and Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques” (AP/MTT). Click for more info: https://mms-conf.org
- About the FLEXCOM project: “FLEXible phased array system for sat-COM applications” aims at building a new class of phased array technology for airborne, spaceborne, and Earth segment satellite communications with an unpreceded level of flexibility and reconfigurability. Precisely, FLEXCOM will deliver a highly integrated antenna tile conceived to be the building block through which several SatCom antenna types can be built. FLEXCOM tiles will be designed in order to be used in different scenarios and for different applications, responding to the needs of a continuously evolving SatCom market and enforcing a significant reduction of life-cycle costs. For further information on the FLEXCOM project: https://www.flexcom-h2020.eu